Particle TrackingΒΆ

This is an example of particle tracking in additive manufacturing high speed x-ray imaging. You can download this eaxample as jupyter notebook or as python script

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import ximage
import fnmatch
import tomopy
import numpy as np
top = '/local/dataraid/am/104_Ti_04_p90_S1/'
index_start = 1
# Total number of images to read
nfile = len(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(top), '*.tif'))
rdata = ximage.load_raw(top, index_start)
particle_bed_reference = ximage.particle_bed_location(rdata[0])
print("Particle bed location: ", particle_bed_reference)
('Particle bed location: ', 253)
# Cut the images to remove the particle bed
cdata = rdata[:, 0:particle_bed_reference, :]
# Find the image when the shutter starts to close
dark_index = ximage.shutter_off(rdata)
print("Shutter CLOSED on image: ", dark_index)
('Shutter CLOSED on image: ', 344)
# Find the images when the laser is on
laser_on_index = ximage.laser_on(rdata, particle_bed_reference, alpha=1.0)
print("Laser ON on image: ", laser_on_index)
('Laser ON on image: ', 46)
# Set the [start, end] index of the blocked images, flat and dark.
flat_range = [0, 1]
data_range = [laser_on_index, dark_index]
dark_range = [dark_index, nfile]

flat = cdata[flat_range[0]:flat_range[1], :, :]
proj = cdata[data_range[0]:data_range[1], :, :]
dark = np.zeros((dark_range[1]-dark_range[0], proj.shape[1], proj.shape[2]))
# Normalize the images
ndata = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)
ndata = tomopy.normalize_bg(ndata, air=ndata.shape[2]/2.5)
ndata = tomopy.minus_log(ndata)
blur_radius = 3.0
threshold = .04
nddata = ximage.label(ndata, blur_radius, threshold)
Image 0 contains 8 particles
Image 1 contains 13 particles
Image 2 contains 10 particles
Image 3 contains 13 particles
Image 4 contains 12 particles
Image 5 contains 19 particles
Image 6 contains 21 particles
Image 7 contains 26 particles
Image 8 contains 23 particles
Image 9 contains 22 particles
Image 10 contains 24 particles
Image 11 contains 25 particles
Image 12 contains 29 particles
Image 13 contains 28 particles
Image 14 contains 29 particles
Image 15 contains 26 particles
Image 16 contains 28 particles
Image 17 contains 24 particles
Image 18 contains 24 particles
Image 19 contains 21 particles
Image 20 contains 23 particles
Image 21 contains 24 particles
Image 22 contains 23 particles
Image 295 contains 61 particles
Image 296 contains 57 particles
Image 297 contains 55 particles